Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Welcome to the No Crap Critic site. Here you can find reviews I have written for both record albums and movies, since I love to analyze and critique both. I have different scales for albums and movies because I don't really believe in subjecting different forms of media to the same scale. For movies I give ratings from 0 to 10 (0 being "absolute crap" and 10 being "steaming hot"), and for records, I grade them on a percentage scale, i.e. 0%- 100%. I will be posting criteria for both scales shortly.

Why do I critique movies and albums? Because both forms of media hold special places in my life. Essentially, I am on a relentless quest to find what I feel is the unanimously perfect album and movie. I am particularly stingy when it comes to praise, but that's to make sure I'm not overhyping an album/movie or undermining it either. I take no grade lightly, that is to say I review the album/movie in question until I feel I have placed an accurate grade for it, to give it exactly what it deserves.

Of course, all critiques are a matter of opinion, so obviously you may or may not agree with the grade I have assigned to it. To each is own, I suppose. The point of this blog is to give you an idea of what critics look for when reviewing, and hopefully to entertain you with quirky and skilled writing. With that said, I welcome you to my blog, and encourage any and all responses from you, the viewer. You can call me an idiot, you can call me a genius, you can say I'm wrong or right, but one thing you aren't allowed to do is post an opinion that is ultimately without support or concrete proof. It's not enough to post a two-word response and expect me to take it seriously.

Sincerely yours in all things music or movie related,

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